Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can we bring this punishment to America?

A friend just said that the body of 3 yr old boy was found just 12 miles from where she lives & body of his 5 y/o sister hasn't been found yet...killed by dad/stepmom of Mobile, AL. Every time I hear of a child that has been hurt or God forbid killed, my heart aches. But when I hear that these crimes have been committed by the so-called parents of the child – the very people who are supposed to love and protect them – my blood boils. In my opinion, there is no punishment harsh enough for these monsters. The only thing that would come close is the old school punishment of being drawn & quartered. Here are two descriptions of the punishment...can we get this on the next ballot?

“...Drawing and quartering is another punishment mentioned in kids' movies only because nobody realizes what's involved. The statutory punishment for treason in England from 1283 to 1867, D&Q was a multimedia form of execution. First the prisoner was drawn to the place of execution on a hurdle, a type of sledge. (Originally he was merely dragged behind a horse.) Then he was hanged. Cut down while still alive, he was disemboweled and his entrails burned before his eyes. (Some references, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, say this step, and not dragging behind a horse, is what is meant by "drawn," but actual sentences of execution don't support this view.)

Finally the condemned was beheaded and his body cut into quarters, one arm or leg to a quarter. How exactly the quartering was to be accomplished wasn't always specified, but on at least some occasions horses were hitched to each of the victim's limbs and spurred in four directions. An assistant with a sword or cleaver was sometimes assigned to make a starter cut and ease the strain on the animals. The remains were often put on display as a warning to others. Nothing like the good old days, eh?...“

“...The convicted were drawn by horse on a wooden hurdle to the place of execution. Once there, they were ritually hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disemboweled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). As a warning against further dissent, their remains were often displayed at prominent places, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burnt at the stake ....”

I know it probably shocks ya’ll that I support the death penalty (can sarcasm be picked up over the internet? I hope so.), and I think it should be on the table for all child molesters or child murders because I don’t think you can “fix” that. The other option being they are imprisoned for life in the general population with everyone knowing the details of their crime.

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