Thursday, May 12, 2011

As of today, I'm DONE with Glenn Beck!

Let me start by saying that (in case you didn’t know) politically, I’m a conservative. I believe government is too big, has too much control over our lives, our money, and what we do with it. I  believe a flat tax makes more sense than wearing a dark t-shirt to a BBQ. I believe the government needs to stay out of the personal lives and bedrooms of grown people. As long as all parties involved are adults, it’s no one’s business what they’re doing behind closed doors and the US/State lawmakers and courts have no right to get involved. 

That having been said, I’ve listened to Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) off and on for the last several years. Though I’ve agreed with a lot of his points, I’ll be the first to admit that, at times, he gets a little out there, but no more so than some liberal commentators. Like with his liberal counterparts, I usually pass it off as being overzealous, ignore the insanity and try to understand what they’re actually talking about, but now he’s gone too far. His behavior and that of his staff, regarding the skin cancer awareness add featuring Meghan McCain (@McCainBlogette) is repulsive.

As a woman I’m offended. His response had nothing to do with the ad itself, its message or even Ms. McCain’s politics but the fact that she “looked” naked (it was a euphemism for going out without sunscreen) as were all of the ladies in the PAS. As the daughter of a skin cancer survivor, I am disgusted! My Pop has a road map of scars on his back, shoulders and chest from having skin cancers removed. This PSA featuring Meghan and others lovely ladies should be applauded NOT mocked for ANY reason. Glenn Beck and crew should be ashamed of themselves. I’m curious what their wives, mothers, sisters & daughters think of this? I wonder what his answer will be if one of his girls asks him, “Daddy, why did you make fun of the lady telling people about skin cancer?”

Here’s Meghan’s response. The PSA that she and others did is near the top & the clip from Beck is at the bottom