Monday, April 26, 2010

Confederate Memorial Day

I know I posted a blog last week that’s pretty much about the same thing and I’m not trying to force anything on folks, I simply think it’s only fair that if African-American, Irish American, Jewish American, Asian Pacific American, Hispanic-Latino, Italian-American, Islamic History, American Indian history/heritage can be acknowledged, then that of the South should be as well. How many great American writers have come from the south? What about musicians? By all accounts, we wouldn’t even have Rock & roll or country music if it weren’t for the South. There is more to the South than the Civil War and that should be celebrated and honored. Today, April 26th, is Confederate Memorial Day and this is a updated/re-post of a blog I did a couple of years ago.

For those of you who don’t know, in Florida, April is Confederate History Month and April 26th is Confederate Memorial Day in the State of Florida (in Georgia and Alabama as well). Here is the PDF of the actual proclamation from 2000 at I can’t find a similar proclamation anywhere since 2000, but as far as I’m concerned, it stands. Because of the font, it’s a little difficult to read, but here’s what it states:

A Proclamation in recognition of Florida Confederate History Month
Whereas, the month of April is the time during which the Confederate States of America initiated and ended its four-year struggle for a sovereign and independent nation; and
Whereas, in proportion to its population, the State of Florida lent more soldiers and sailors to the Confederate Cause than did any other Southern state; and

Where as, All Floridians should be knowledgeable of the history of the War Between the State and the Battles fought in the State of Florida, including the Battles of Natural Bridge, Olustee and Santa Rosa Island; and

Whereas, April 26 has been designate by the laws of Florida as a legal holiday, a time in which to honor the memories of those who sacrificed their lives in the War Between the States;

Whereas, we recall the tragic events that took place between the years of 1861 and 1865, we do so in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the conflicting ideals and passions that pitted brother against brother and tore a nation apart; NOW, THEREFORE,

Be it respectfully proclaimed that the residents of the State of Florida be urged to observe the month of April, 2000, as Florida Confederate History Month and, in solemnly contemplating the events of that time, resolve to foster a climate in which all Americans live and work together in "one nation under God".

In the spirit of "…All Floridians should be knowledgeable of the history of the War Between the State…", here’s a link to "A Southern View of History: The War for Southern Independence". It’s kind of an online (or you can order a CD) class about the Civil War, (War Between the States, War of Northern Aggression).

It’s not real popular to be proud of your Southern Heritage, anyone who knows me knows that I’ve never been super concerned about being popular. Do I wanna be liked, yeah—everyone does— but being the most popular has never been a personal goal. I’ve stated before that I seriously doubt that any History Month – be it Confederate History, Women’s History (March), or Native American History (November) – will ever get the press or public support and praise that Black History Month does and that irks me to no end. I’ve never understood why the history of one group was so much more important or precious that they should be held in a higher regard than any other.

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