To say this has nothing to do with the election of Scott Brown would be a bit of a lie. I actually started this a couple of weeks ago. When I say started, I mean rolling the thoughts around in my head. I actually started writing it last week and was stalled. I was too far away from the point/spirit of origin and I'd kinda lost the vibe. Watching the events unfold last night -- a Republican winning in Massachusetts! Not just any seat either; Ted Kennedy's seat (though Scott Brown reminded us that it was "the people's seat") -- lit the fire again.
I had been watching the news before going to work the other day and of course everything was about the economy, the war, unemployment, everyone blaming everyone else....and all I could think is that this country needs something done and soon. No matter what each party says, both Democrats & Republicans got us in this mess. The citizens also carry part of the responsibility for it as well. We saw the politicians we elected; either by the votes we did or DIDN’T cast or with our apathy and just sitting back and letting things happen. Yeah, I was getting myself riled up. I got about half-way to work and the song “A Few More Rednecks” by Charlie Daniels came up on my MP3 Player, and I thought, yeah, that’s exactly what we need. Have you ever heard the song? Do you know the words?
I know you’re thinking, “Yeah, right...a redneck in charge” But when you hear redneck what do you think of? Probably the stereotypical image you’ve seen in movies & TV; beer/whisky drinking, truck driving, NASCAR loving, mullet wearing guy with a couple of old cars and a Confederate Flag in the yard, which means he’s a racist. Even without the flag you’d think he was racist because, well, he’s a Southerner. The stereotypical redneck female isn’t much different except that she’s either (a) barefoot & pregnant or (b) wears Daisy Dukes usually while wearing high heels. Keep in mind that being pregnant does not negate the possibility of wearing the Daisy Dukes. You see this everywhere! Anytime there’s a Southerner 9 times out of 10 this is the image you get. Is this the image of a true a redneck? Yes. Is this the only image of a true a redneck? Not by ANY means! I know everyone’s heard Jeff Foxworthy’s “You know you’re a redneck when/if...” and unless you have no sense of humor 99% of the time they’ve got you falling over laughing. But do you know what a redneck is? Where the word came from? How did the term redneck even come to be? (Warning: Short history lesson follows)
Some believe it was born when the necks of the farmers in the South were burned from working outside in the sun all day. Another story is that it began in Scotland when the Presbyterian Covenanters signed documents stating that they wanted a Presbyterian Church government and rejected the Church of England. Many of those who signed the document wore red scarves or pieces of cloth around their necks to make their position known and signed it in their own blood.
My favorite is the story of the West Virginia miners. Trouble had been brewing for some time but the spark that lit the fire happened in May of 1920 with Matewan Massacre. The mine owners hired Baldwin-Felts detectives to "evict" miners who joined the union from company owned houses and did so with gunfire and violence. In the ensuing gun battle between the detectives, Sheriff Hatfield, and the mayor, four townspeople and some Baldwin-Felts detectives were killed and the local sheriff was accused of murder. It’s reported that miners had begun wearing bib overalls and around their necks, they tied red bandanas and became the symbol for the rising army of miners, which led to them being called rednecks by both friends and foes.
After being acquitted of the murder of in the Matewan Massacre, Sheriff Hatfield was murdered on the courthouse steps by Baldwin-Felts agents while attending another trial. He was shot 17 times and NO ONE was ever charged. Miners rallied in protest of the killings calling for a march on Logan County. The Battle of Blair Mountain began when the miners marched across Lens Creek Mountain. The Logan County Sheriff Don Chaffin organized a group of deputies, mine guards and others to oppose them. The Governor requested federal troops and on September 1st, his request was answered by President Harding. The miners were defeated, but their story lives on as a symbol for workers to this day.
Looking at these examples, a redneck is someone who works hard, upholds their religious beliefs, expects to be treated fairly and demands that wrongs be righted. In my opinion, a redneck isn’t even exclusively Southern. I know several people who were born & raised on the other side of the Mason-Dixon Line who are more redneck than folks I grew up with. Remember the song that I said inspired this post? Here are some of the lyrics:
What this world needs is a few more rednecks/Some people ain’t afraid to take a stand/What this world needs is a little more respect/For the Lord and the law and the workin’ man/We could use a little peace and satisfaction/Some good people up front to take the lead/A little less talk and a little more action/And a few more rednecks is what we need/ What most people call a redneck/Ain’t nothin’ but a workin’ man/And he makes his livin’ /By the sweat of his brow/And the calluses on his hands/Now you intellectuals may not like it/But there ain’t nothin’ that you can do/Cause there’s a whole lot more of us common-folks/Then there ever will be of you/
This is the kind of person/people we need at the helm of this country. In the last 25 years, this country has been slowly going to Hell in a hand basket and it’s been hand delivered by the elected politicians who are preoccupied with lining their pockets, keeping lobbyists, special interest groups and corporations happy instead of worrying about the welfare of their constituents and the state of the country. It’s more important to them to keep their seat and maintain the power that comes with being a career politician than to do what’s best for the people who elected them. Don’t think I think it’s all the "Yankee Kennedy" type politicians that are responsible. We’ve got our fair share in the South and even had one right here in NW FL.
Career politicians are half of the ruination of the political system because they are more concerned with their “legacy” than doing the job they were ELECTED to do. The other half? A citizenry that has stopped paying attention, which for the most part has stopped caring. A population of apathetic voters that expect information to be handed to and then explained them, looks to someone else for their opinions and then blames everyone else when things don’t go exactly how they wanted and were “told” they’d be. Be responsible, do some research. They said they had opinion “A”, but what does their voting record say? Have they always been for “A” or now support it because it’s popular & they’re trying to get elected. Just because you’re a Democrat, don’t automatically discount the Republican candidate and vice versa. What are the issues important to you? Where do they stand? THAT’S what you choice should be based on. Not party, not ideology, but on issues and how it will shape our country.
I don't agree with some of your opinions and solutions but what I do agree with is how you ACTUALLY HAVE AN INTELLIGENT OPINION, and really love our country and care about our people, and authentically give a good you know what!!! Thank you for this intelligent and thoughtful and thought-provoking blog! ~Conlee5
ReplyDeleteBrandi, Like I already told you on Twitter. Love when people say it straight and you did! Honest and TRUE!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Sure does make one think long and hard!! Will be passing along...