So President Obama released his birth certificate today <crickets>. For the record, I was never uber worried he that wasn’t a US citizen. Like Michelle Malkin said in her blog “I believe Trig was born to Sarah Palin. I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on U.S. soil. I believe fire can smelt steel and that bin Laden’s jihadi crew – not Bush and Cheney – perpetrated mass murder on 9/11.”( But the release begs the question; why now? Do President Obama and his team really see Donald Trump as that much of a potential candidate for 2012 that they’re reacting to his comments? For the last 2+ years President Obama’s detractors (as whacky as they may seem) have been making noise for this and hurling all kinds of accusations but not until "The Donald" spends a few weeks talking about running possibly running and questioning President Obama’s citizenship does he finally give in and say “Fine, here ya go…happy now?” He said he did it now so it wouldn’t be a distraction. So he didn’t think it was a distraction for the last 2 years?
If you’re interested in my opinion (and you’re reading this aren't you) here it is; He’s a citizen….build a bridge and get over it! Let’s talk about something else; like jobs (or the lack there of), homeless families and children, education, our dependence on foreign countries for things like oil, the rising cost of everything…you know the real issues facing this country.
To me, “birthers” are like the folks who call you a racist if you disagree with Pres. Obama and the folks who attack a politician/commentator personally instead of their issues or opinions …. THEY'RE LAZY! Saying Pres. Obama isn’t a citizen doesn’t mean it’s true. Your opinion that someone is racist because they disagree with him doesn’t make it so. Calling someone you disagree with politically a cow, an idiot or mindless doesn’t make you right, it just means you made it through junior high & you get to play what amounts to “I know you are but what am I.” either in print or in front of a camera. Name calling – which is what all of this amounts to – doesn’t indicate that you're right, it only indicates that you’re too flaming lazy to actually pay attention to the issues, get the information to tell me exactly WHY you disagree with him or WHY someone is a racist because they disagree with him. Personally, I don’t care if he’s white, black, blue, orange or green. I’d vote for a Romulan if I believed he/she could fix the mess that the Democrats and Republicans have gotten us into. (Ok, maybe not a Romulan….but you see my point.) I’ve said it before that my Granny was born before women could vote & was a registered Democrat until the day she died, but she voted for Reagan in ’84, Bush Sr. in ‘88 & ’92 because she voted for the person she believed in, not the party.
First and foremost I’m an American & I consider myself a Patriot. I believe that for all of its faults, this is the best country in the world. I believe in American exceptionalism. I also believe that if you don’t then you have no business holding ANY elected office much less that of President of the United States. We need to stop the he’s not a citizen/you’re a racist crap, stop the my-way or the highway mentality, stop steppin’ & fetchin’ politically correct crap and focus on getting things fixed.